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AMITOM crop update as of 26 October 2023

The 2023 crop was perfect until 6 September when the heavy rains and floods caused the loss of about 15% of the expected volume. The final crop was 390,000 tonnes.
It is expected that the volume may decrease in 2024.
The final volume was slightly higher than expected at 110,000 tonnes due to mostly good weather not too hot and not too cold, with some manageable rains during the season. Average brix was good at c. 5.
In the absence of reliable data, opinions diverge on the total volume processed in the country, but it is estimated at about 2 to 2.3 million
It was a strange and long season with 15 factories in the south still working last week, with a few remaining open now, which is very unusual. It was a peculiar season especially in the south with some very long crop cycles of up to 130 days instead of 100 to 110 days with some split maturation and also some very high and some very low yields. Organic yields were generally lower than usual.
In the north the final volume was a shave under 2.8 million tonnes.
The final total volume is not yet available but will probably be between 5.35 and 5.4 million tonnes.
The harvest started early on 16 July and ended on 7 October with a final production estimated at 1.5 million tonnes, pending the final volume from two factories. Yields at the start were not good but got better in August although all types of weather affected fields during the season wit hot, cold, rain, …
The total volume processed is currently estimated at 660.000 tonnes or sightly more. This is higher than the initial forecast 650.000 tonnes and the mid-season volume planned at the beginning in August of 670.000 tonnes. It was a tough tough season as processors faced all the expected difficulties starting from shortage of imported seeds, components and spare parts for machinery and equipment, up to longer and more expensive logistics, deliveries, and payments. Add every year weather surprises and some fruit diseases. This looks like a regular season for a further 1-2 years in the fight for the harvest.
The initial expectation was that the volume processed in 2023 would be between 2.7 and 2.75 million tonnes. The harvest started well but rains in September reduced yields, so the final volume is expected to be around 2.6 million tonnes. The season was longer than usual in Extremadura where it ended on 10 October. In Andalusia, the lack of water had reduced the surfaces and high temperatures further reduced production.
It is too early to estimate volumes for 2024 but the current lack of water could be an issue again.
The final volume processed is 675,000 tonnes. 10,914 hectares were planted in 2023, down from 12,671 hectares in 2022 due to the drought. 102,000 tonnes of 28/30 paste were producedin 18 factories.
The final production remains estimated at 2.7 million tonnes as was forecast. It was a long crop but with no specific issues.
The 2023 production is estimated at about 500,000 tonnes